Wednesday, August 30, 2023

25 year old bet comes to life

 Patrick Sale is an advocate that technology is ruining society. He actually wrote a book called "Rebels Against the Future". The book was about the Luddites, who were factory workers of the 19th century. The Luddites were against the new technology that was being made for their work and they believed they were dehumanizing human work. Sale agreed with what the Luddites were saying and he's basically saying the same thing about the new technology being made. Sale said the technology would cause a great depression, environmental problems, and the poor going against the rich.  Kevin Kelley is an executive editor and a resident technoptimist for WIRED" S. He interviews Sale about his beliefs on how technology will be the downfall of society. Kevin disagrees with this statement and says that new tech will have a positive effect on society and will help with many things. The two were in a disagreement and a bet was proposed, the bet was for 1000 dollars. If society had gone downhill by 2020 Sale won and if it didn't Kevin won. Sale was wrong about the US dollar and other currencies being worthless, we still use the currency today. Sale was somewhat right about global environmental problems because we've had diseases, global warming, and more hurricanes than normal. Sale was also somewhat right about the rich and poor. Some countries have had a serious protest that involves pay wages and other issues between the two classes. I feel like Kelly being picked as the winner was correct due to Sale saying that society would be completely doomed by 2020. He definitely was right about some points but as a whole, he was obviously wrong. If I were to make a bet like this I would be more specific like the US dollar would lose some value, more environmental problems, and society would be lazier. Changes within the next 25 years would be more tech-friendly, more mixed races, and prices would continue to go up. 

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Reading in a whole new way

 Reading in a whole new way

This article talks about how America was founded by written words. It all started with the Declaration of Independence, the bible, and laws. Then American culture started to develop even more, and people started to learn how to read and write. We started using new words and then we started to invent new things on how we can read like newspapers. Eventually, we all were able to read and now we read more than ever due to how many electrical devices we have. We read so much in our daily lives and we don't even realize it.

Thursday, August 24, 2023


 Hello, My name is Malik Shabazz. I'm from Greenwood, South Carolina. I'm currently a Junior at Limestone University and my major is professional communication. Five years from now I plan to be a sports analyst for a major company.

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